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Yin Yoga Immersion - The 3 Bodies - Prana Yoga - Ifs - France

  • Prana Yoga 661 Boulevard Charles Cros Ifs, Normandy, 14123 France (map)

Yin Yoga Immersion - Practice & Theory - Language: French 🇫🇷

Come and join us for this exceptional immersion

We look forward to meeting you at Studio Prana Yoga to share our teachings on 3 different themes. This program will give an overview of our teachings in their mechanical, energetic and psychological dimensions, with a question and answer period for each presentation.

1 class - Friday: Yin Yoga for the Spine Anatomy & Functional Approach

1 workshop - Saturday: The Tao of Yoga and TCM.

1 workshop - Sunday: Yin Yoga Philosophy & Meditation.

The aim of this immersion weekend is to link the practice of yoga with an approach based on the three bodies (3 Shariras): physical, astral and causal.
We'll start with an anatomical and functional description of the physical body for the Friday evening class.

On Saturday, we move on to the emotional body and the concept of Qi/Prana - through the ancient Chinese energy arts. We'll explore the concept of Qi and the meridians which, according to the various texts, form bridges between the different bodies.

On Sunday, we'll complete our immersion in psychology by exploring the term "Citta", defined by Sri Patanjali in the yoga sutras as the field of perception. On this day, we'll have two practices focusing on meditation and two presentations on the relationship between consciousness and the mind-body complex.


FRIDAY MARCH 07 - 18.00 - 20.00

Practice - Yin Yoga for the Spine

A course that targets the 3 segments of our spine: lumbar, thoracic and cervical. We'll explore the 6 directions of our spinal structure to decompress and release accumulated tension and stagnation. Leaving us relaxed and centered.

The sequence includes guided breathing regulation, the integration of poses through energy rebounds and a centering meditation.

SATURDAY, MARCH 08 - 9.00 - 12.00

Yin Yoga TCM and Taoism

1st session -Practice - The Tao of Yoga
This class is a combination of breathing techniques, Qi-Gong warm-up and anchoring techniques, as well as poses from Yin Yoga. A harmonious blend to bring us back to the center, to the point of Tao, our space of balance.

Theory - Understanding the flow and formation of Qi

What is Qi? Often translated as vital energy, Qi was considered in ancient civilizations as an entity endowed with an intelligence of its own. This concept has encompassed most civilizations under different names such as: KI in Japan, Prana in India, KA in Egypt, Pneuma in Greece or Materia incorporea for the Christian Mystics.
Let's take a look together and explore the mysterious concept of Qi.

Lunch break - 12-14.00

14.00 - 17.00

2nd session - Theory - Modern meridian theory

There have been many misunderstandings between Western medical science and traditional Chinese medicine as to the veracity of the meridians. For a long time, Western medicine could not deny the effects of Chinese medicine, but could not obtain tangible proof of their location in the body. Until modern meridian theory...

Practice - Yin Yoga and Nei Jing Tu
Qi Gong / Yin Yoga & Nei Jing Tu - Following the Buffalo & Pushing the Plough. An exploration of energy arts combining Qi Gong techniques, Yin Asanas and Taoist meditation according to Nei-Jing Tu.

SUNDAY, MARCH 09 - 09.00 - 12.00

Practice - Yin Yoga and Meditationn

1st session - Practice - Yin Yoga and Meditation.

An introspective course that takes us through a slow, relaxing sequence towards immobility, in order to cultivate a keen sense of observation, where the breath will be the guiding thread throughout the sequence, blurring the boundaries between asanas, pranayama and dharana.

To conclude with a meditation on a single focal point. Leaving us in a state of quietude and relaxation.

Theory - The Definition of Yoga

Deciphering the definition of yoga given in his exposition of the sutras. Yogash Citta Vritti Nirodhah - Yoga is the control of the conceptual mind.
This first presentation will lay the foundations of the Yoga Sutras, starting from the Samkhya philosophy that Patanjali uses as the framework for his treatise.

Lunch break
- 12-14.00

14.00 - 17.00

2nd session - Theory - Citta - Or our field of perception, in which Vrittis (fluctuations of the mind) manifest.
Citta is a key concept in yogic psychology, and one of the least explicit in the sutras. Let's explore and understand the subtleties of Manas: the mind, Ahamkara: the ego and Buddhi: reason.

Practice - Yin Yoga & Meditation

An introspective course that leads us through a slow, relaxing sequence to an established calm. Cultivating a keen sense of observation. Concluding with a meditation on a single focal point(Eka-Grata).


  • Prana Yoga Ifs



  • Friday classes: 18.00 - 20.00: €40

  • Full immersion - Friday evening and weekend courses: €260

  • Saturday or full Sunday: €120 per day

  • Saturday or Sunday mornings: 9.00 - 12.00: €70

  • Saturday or Sunday afternoon: 14.00 - 17.00 : 70 €.

  • The above rates do not include accommodation and food.

  • For registration information, click directly on the button below

November 15

Yin Yoga Training - TCM & Taoism - Seoul - South Korea

April 4

Yin Yoga Immersion - Yin Yoga praxis - Yogart - Rouen - France